Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tom Doig

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John le Carré
This is the first "spy thriller" I have ever read. I am half-way through, and for an English Lit grad and highbrow nerdy book snob, GEE WHIZZ it's a guilty pleasure. (Like pornographic magazines, except nerdier). What on earth's going to happen to my "defected" British agent, being interrogated in an East German hunting lodge? I am learning to love stupid characters, and exceptionally clever plots.

Just got back from a week in northern New South Wales, where on three separate occasions I went for runs along the beach. This is also new for me. First it was a token get-warm-enough-to-jump-in-the-ocean trot, then an I'm-imitating-David-Hasselhoff-on-a-romantic-afternoon jog, and finally a proper, watch-the-sun-set-and-the-moon-rise, keep-going-till-I'm-panting run. I now have soft-focus visions of getting up in the pre-dawn light and gliding along the Merri Creek, sucking that cold air into my chest. It hasn't happened yet ... but it might.

North Korea's 'Mass Games'
A video performance artist friend put me onto this - North Korea puts on these INSANE displays of patriotism every year, for "the General". Twelve thousand schoolchildren make "the world's biggest screen", by turning the pages of these huge colour-coded books in perfect synchronicity ... it has to be seen to be believed.

The Guardian
Although this newspaper does make me feel like the world is about to end, any second now, the journalism is so damn good. All the stories are a decent length, and the bias is left- not right-wing. Makes Aussie newspapers seem like the kitty-tray lining they really are.

My house
I love it! Going to sleep last night, I realised how happy I am to be there ... even tho I had to tape plastic bags over my chimney and buy a door snake to reduce the draft, I love my little crowded messy room. And I love my housemates - this morning there was a bowl of rice congee porridge with squid bits waiting just for me. Thanks Liv!

Tom Doig is currently working on a show about David Hasselhoff and Hitler (awesome). I'm not sure if his Baywatch-style jogging is part of the research. Tom has also done a lot of noteworthy things in his time, such as co-direct the National Young Writers Festival, edit Voiceworks magazine and steer part of the This is Not Art ship. He also has a knack for doing unforgettable things - I once saw him strip onstage and rub pet food on himself while singing (I think) a song from Cats, the musical.


Gemnastics said...

i was truly sorry to have missed the cat food performance.

though seeing tom naked is like any other weekend...

Anonymous said...

Message for Tom Doig

Just making contact!

Tom Doig
Little Cokenach
Hertfordshire SG8 8LS